Mental Health Project

Community Project

Mental Health and Sound Therapy

Mental Health and Sound Therapy Project

Request for participants and a venue for a free pilot session.

I am looking to run a series of short sound therapy sessions for free for people who are suffering from stress, anxiety, insomnia or mild depression and who have not experienced the benefits of therapeutic sound before.

This is a genuine and heartfelt wish to reach out to help those in need. This will be an experiment to gauge the level of interest and to see if it can be of help to the community. The sessions may be occasional or a one off event, this is currently just a test to see if it is viable.

Suicide is the biggest killer for men under 50 years of age and I am looking to run these sessions in memory of a former friend and work colleague, Andrew Longworth, who took his own life afew years ago. I am hoping that by offering these sessions in his memory I can do some good to help others. I have the support of his family to do this work in his memory.

Sound therapy cannot cure depression but it can relieve the symptoms around it which make it worse. I am hoping that the rest and relaxation which happens during a sound session will be a welcome relief and help to show those in need that there are other options and ways of dealing with stress. If I can just help one person it will be all worth while.

This is in no way a commercial initiative and I am not looking to use this to get people along to my regular sessions, it is an offer with the pure intention to help others with no ties or obligations.

At present I am looking to gather a list of names and email addresses of people who might like to attend a session to see if this is a viable option. I am also looking at getting funding for the hall hire from a charitable organisation, although this is in its early stages.

If there is a local venue (Haslemere or Midhurst area) who would be willing to host a session for free in the near future please get in touch and this will enable me to run a session sooner.

These sessions will be conducted in a different way to a normal sound therapy session and they are not designed for people who would like an introduction to sound therapy, it is only for those who fit the strict criteria given below.

Criteria for attending a session. Participants must meet all of the criteria given below.

1.     Male or Female 18 years old or over.

2.     Suffering from stress, anxiety, insomnia and or mild depression.

3.     Have not attended a soundbath/sound journey/therapeutic sound session before.

4.     Live locally to Haslemere (20 mile radius).

5.     Contraindications: soundbaths are not suitable for the following conditions: heart conditions, high blood pressure, seizures, epilepsy, 1st trimester of pregnancy, severe mental health conditions). By attending a session the participants are stating that they do not suffer from these conditions.

6.     Participants agree that I may contact them about these sessions. I will only contact them about these sessions and for no other reason.

If you fit the above criteria and would be interested in attending a session please contact me via the form below stating that you are interested in the sessions, fit the criteria and are happy for me to contact you.

If you run a local venue and would like to offer a space for a pilot session please also use this contact form, thank you.


I will gauge the level of interest and availability of local venues and then will able to decide if the sessions are viable.

Thank you for your interest and support, it is greatly appreciated.

This initiative is in memory of Andrew Longworth.

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